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Dead by Daylight Gameplay Update: Mori Rework


Since we first announced a Memento Mori rework during last year’s Anniversary Broadcast, the Design Team has been prototyping and playtesting several different options.

Today, we are thrilled to share details on an exciting change to the mori system, tentatively slated for release later this year.

Dead by Daylight’s Killers all have intricate backstories and unique approaches to doling out death. Mori animations play a crucial role in providing a macabre glimpse into the personalities of the characters you know and love. The Oni's relentless brutality. The Deathslinger’s dark ingenuity. The Tricker’s sickening showmanship.

We wanted to highlight these character moments through a cinematic lens, while ensuring that player immersion remains intact. “A mori is how you’d expect The Killer to finish a well-played match, so it made sense to go in that direction,” explains Matt S., Design Director of Dead by Daylight. “We’re moving the mori system away from offerings and making it a natural part of the game.”


As soon as the final living Survivor standing is put into the dying state, the game ends. Following a visual transition, that Survivor and the Killer are brought to a special location in the environment and the Mori Finisher begins. No longer will your mori moment be “censored” by inconveniently placed objects or invasive bushes. All attention will be placed entirely on the action taking place.

As showcased in the 6th Anniversary Broadcast, a glimpse at the upcoming system can be seen below. Note that it is currently a work in progress, and nothing remains set in stone.

As this new system will normalize a mori as a standard part of the trial, we’ll be making changes to the current Memento Mori offerings – keep an eye out for further details closer to release. While the aim is to see this system implemented by Halloween 2022, please note that this date is tentative and subject to change.

In the meantime, enjoy trying out The Dredge, Haddie Kaur, and the Garden of Joy Map from the Roots of Dread Chapter, now available in the PTB.

Catch up on more upcoming features revealed during the 6th Anniversary Broadcast:

See you in The Fog!

The Dead by Daylight team.   

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