He came. And now he must go.
Dead by Daylight is a live service game, and there’s always the possibility that unexpected changes may occur. Alas, one such time has come. We’re sad to announce that the Hellraiser Chapter, which includes Pinhead – known in game as The Cenobite – will no longer be available to unlock in Dead by Daylight starting on April 4th, 11 AM ET.
For those who already own The Cenobite, his Perks, or his Cosmetics, your content will remain accessible to you. If you’re interested in unlocking The Cenobite or any of his Cosmetics – including The Chatterer Legendary Outfit – we’ll be holding a Last Chance sale with 50% off all things Hellraiser until it departs The Fog for good.
Note that if you unlock him through the in-game store, you will still get the exclusive Lament Configuration Charm.
For players that do not own the character, The Cenobite’s Perks – Deadlock, Hex: Plaything, and Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain – will undergo a name change. They will be added to the General Perk pool and available in the Bloodweb for everyone. Associated Charms and Achievements will be updated to reflect these changes.
If you do own The Cenobite, Perk names and descriptions will remain unchanged, as will the Perk-related Charms.
To learn more, check out our FAQ right here.
This moment may be sad, but always remember Pinhead’s immortal words: Oh please, no tears. They are a waste of good suffering.
See you in The Fog,
The leather-clad Dead by Daylight team