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From D&D to DbD: A New Player’s Handbook


Venturing into the dark world of Dead by Daylight can feel intimidating, but every journey must begin with a single footstep – even if unnaturally thick Fog stands in your path.

So where should one begin this malevolent quest? A simple answer would be to begin with Dead by Daylight: Dungeons & Dragons, which offers Vecna as a Killer and Bard, Aestri Yazar as a Survivor.

Think of each role as a class, with each one holding oppositional ideals. A Killer strives to sacrifice four Survivors, a ritual that involves placing them on a Hook as an offering to an eldritch being of incomprehensible power known as The Entity. A Survivor strives to elude said Killer, assist their team in repairing five Generators to power up the Exit Gates, and escape with their life intact. They can use the environment to either hide from or evade the Killer by vaulting through windows or knocking down wooden pallets to temporarily block their path.

You even net yourself some experience points along the way.

Killer or Survivor?

Not unlike the task of selecting a D&D class, you must choose whether to play a Trial as a Killer or a Survivor. Should you play as a Killer – Vecna, in this instance – it may be helpful to channel your inner Dungeon Master, in which you are the centerpiece of a most challenging encounter. The Survivors are your player characters, determined to thwart you using whatever tools they have at their disposal. This time, you’re actively rooting for a TPK...

To succeed as Killer, you must familiarize yourself with their Power. Vecna’s Book of Vile Darkness grants him access to four deadly spells – some of which you may recognize – each one serving a different purpose. Cycle through his spell book to use Mage Hand, Flight of The Damned, Fly, and Dispelling Sphere. Use these spells to gain an advantage in a chase, damage targets from afar, gain ground, and render any magical item temporarily useless.

Should you wish to learn more about Vecna’s Power – as well as a bit of insight into how he wound up in The Fog to begin with – head over to his official character page here.


Should you opt to play as Aestri, the first Bard to enter The Fog, your objective is to repair generators, heal and rescue your teammates, and launch a daring ballad-worthy escape. When facing The Whispered One, that might not be so simple. Luckily, you’ll be able to collect Magical Items to aid you, though only when you’re going against Vecna.

Each Magical Item corresponds to a different spell, providing an edge whenever Vecna uses it. If fortune is smiling upon you, you may stumble upon Vecna’s treasured artifacts – the Hand and Eye of Vecna. Use these items to gain a significant advantage when the hour appears darkest.

For more insight into Aestri’s Perks and backstory, head over to her official character page here.


Understanding Perks

As an adventurer has their tools to achieve their aims, so too do the Killers and Survivors in Dead by Daylight. Perks are the Feats of the Dead by Daylight universe, providing characters with an in-game ability tailored to their preferred playstyle. Each character comes with 3 unique Perks, though they can also use any Perk in the game - provided it’s unlocked.

Vecna’s Weave Attunement Perk allows you to track Survivors based on the location of their depleted Items. Languid Touch lures nature to your side, Exhausting Survivors whenever they alert a crow within your presence. Dark Arrogance weakens you to flashlights and Pallet stuns, but heightens your speed when Vaulting.

Aestri’s Mirrored Illusion allows you trick pursuers with a magical image of your likeness, which you can place strategically around Generators, Totems, or Exit Gates. Bardic Inspiration invites you to let your lute do the talking, providing a magnificent melody to spur your teammates on. Still Sight provides additional information while standing still, revealing the Auras of any nearby objectives.

It may seem overwhelming to enter The Fog as a beginner, but the best method is to simply dive in and experience everything it has to offer. We hope you enjoy your time with Dead by Daylight: Dungeons & Dragons!

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Survivors on generator