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Play Your Role with Dead by Daylight’s new Dungeons & Dragons Outfits


The Dungeons & Dragons Collection is here, featuring new Outfits for The Lich and Aestri Yazar, including an Outfit that lets you play as her companion Baermar Uraz.

Like any new adventure, choosing your gear is essential. In the corner of a tavern comes whispers of garments. Some bold and whimsical, others as ominous as the Underdark itself.

The Lich – Whispered One – Very Rare

Only one deity was powerful enough to successfully invade the floating city of Sigil. His actions caused powerful disruptions that reverberated through the multiverse.

Aestri Yazar – Tale From The Sea – Very Rare

Following a description found on a scroll, Aestri’s treasure hunt led her to a lone island. Buried beneath the shore was what she searched for, a silver seashell that sang a song about a vast ocean kingdom. She transcribed the song, and buried the seashell, leaving it for another adventurer to find.

Baermar Uraz – Roadside Ambush – Very Rare

Baermar sensed something on the road ahead, he readied himself for a fight. When bandits appeared from behind the trees, he held his lute and strummed a soothing tune. One after another, they fell asleep, and he continued on his path.

“As many of us were huge fans, collaborating with Dungeons & Dragons has been an amazing experience,” says Kirby Taylor, Product Manager on Dead by Daylight. “We wanted to pay tribute to an iconic Vecna moment with this Outfit, and then with our original Bards, we wanted to continue incorporating as many D&D elements as possible. We know creating your character is super important, so we gave them unique, deeper customization options when mixing and matching Cosmetics.”


A ranger, a sorceress, a barbarian, a rogue, and a fighter walk into a tavern...

The Dungeons & Dragons Collection brings new Outfits for Meg Thomas, Jeff Johanesen, Mikaela Reid, The Legion (Susie), and The Knight. For anyone who ever wondered which D&D classes our Dead by Daylight characters would choose, this one is for you.

Meg Thomas – Sidetrack Archer – Very Rare

While they were exploring a magical forest, the DM warned the party about an approaching monster. As a Ranger, she felt responsible for their safety. She rolled the d20 and held her breath until the die came to a stop. The roll was successful. She distracted the monster and helped her friends. Meg sat back in her chair and let out a deep sigh of relief.


Mikaela Reid – Mystical Origins – Very Rare

Mikaela introduced her character as they began their new campaign.

Every night, she watched the sea. One night, from the calm water emerged a dark figure with skin that reflected the light of the moon. Her strength faded as she fainted, clutching her heart. When she awoke, she could feel her heart overflowing with untamed magic that could bring both wonder and terror.


Jeff Johansen – Reluctant Warrior – Very Rare

Jeff hoped to meet new people when he signed up to play the game. But looking at his character sheet, he worried he would embarrass himself in front of everyone.

He chose a class that could express pain through fury, like he did through music. When he accidentally led his party to a trap, and a solid stone door came down behind him, he crashed through the door, shattering it with a single strike. It was a moment his new friends talked about even after the game was over.


The Legion (Susie) – Backstabber – Very Rare

Susie approached the evil lord from behind and rolled to land the killing blow. It was a critical fail. Susie's rogue took damage while Joey's fighter killed the lord with a single hit.

Joey wouldn't stop gloating about Susie's failure. Susie decided to put Joey in his place, attacking his fighter. Susie's rogue plunged the knife into his fighter and kicked him in the shin for good measure.


The Knight – Menacing Knight – Very Rare

The thieves heard the story of an ancient relic hidden in a cave. They came across a towering knight, with eyes that glowed red like fire in the dark of the knight. It appeared to be more monster than man. Only the thuds of their severed bodies hitting the ground echoed in the mountain pass.


“When creating this Collection, we really tried to get into the heads of our Survivors and Killers to see how they might approach a Campaign," continues Kirby Taylor. “For Survivors, we imagined how they would create their characters and matched them with a D&D class. For Killers, we explored some iconic enemies that many adventuring parties have faced. The team really had a blast exploring the ideas and inspirations for these Outfits, so don’t be surprised if we see more additions to this Collection in the future!”

Gather your party and ready those D20s, for the Dungeon & Dragons Collection is available now in the Dead by Daylight Store.

See you in The Fog,

The Dead by Daylight Team

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