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Dead by Daylight’s Chaos Shuffle Modifier | Everything To Know


It’s time for the Chaos Shuffle, Dead by Daylight’s brand-new Modifier that fills every loadout with random Perks. From May 16th 11 AM ET – to June 3rd 11 AM ET, it’s time to leave your fate in the eager claws of chance.


We’ve all been there. You’re loading into a Dead by Daylight Trial, determined to craft the most effective, most optimal, and dare we say the most powerful build you can fathom. Or maybe this time you’ll use Perks you never used before. Maybe you’ll even build something thematic, disregarding the meta entirely. And that’s when you run out of time, quickly resorting back to your old familiar favourites.

Well, the time has come to throw caution to the wind and experience the Chaos Shuffle, a Modifier that constructs your build for you completely at random, drawing from a massive pool of every Perk in Dead by Daylight. What’s even better is that each Perk in the pool is Level 3, so you’ll be getting them in their most effective form.



Do you need to possess an encyclopaedic knowledge of every single Dead by Daylight Perk to enjoy this Modifier? Absolutely not. Part of the fun is embracing the chaos, even if you don’t always understand the finer points of how your build is operating. Either way, we have you covered.

If your loadout happens to feature a Perk you are unfamiliar with, you can read an explanation in the match details screen during a game. Just make sure to do it in a safe place...

We hope the Chaos Shuffle leads to players getti ng a kick out of an unconventional build, discovering interesting synergies, and confounding opponents with the unexpected. You might even come out of this with a new favorite Perk...


While your Perks might be random, the rewards you’ll unlock by playing the Chaos Shuffle Modifier are not. Indulge in the bedlam and unlock further rewards from the Gold & Silk Collection, including a player Badge, a Banner, and a Charm.



Looking to catch up on the Dead by Daylight Perk pool? We’ve gone ahead and shared a few helpful videos you might want to check out, courtesy of Dead by Daylight content creator Kyto:

1 Tip for EVERY Killer Perk - Dead by Daylight

1 Tip for EVERY Survivor Perk - Dead by Daylight

Now that you’re as ready as you can possibly be, all that’s left is to step into The Fog and embrace the chaos.

See you in The Fog,

The suboptimal-loadout-sporting Dead by Daylight team

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