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Dead by Daylight: Castlevania Adds Dracula and Trevor Belmont To The Fog


So comes the very night, accursed and ravenous. It spreads from the Castle, through the woods and villages, a pervading nightmare. Whispers of terror in the night. The beating of black wings. Jaws frothing, spurred by insatiable hunger. The vampire stirs.

Even amidst the throes of paranoia, it is certain. First came the bats, swarming in legion, eyes watching with cunning purpose. Next came the wolf, a beast from the infernal depths, waiting in the shadow for some unspeakable savagery.

It is said The Dark Lord can take many forms, each one proficient in tracking and killing victims. The Bat is as quiet as a creeping shadow, approaching at a moment’s notice and gaining ground with a blink. The Wolf is a relentless hunter, with a keen nose for fresh blood – even that which has yet to be spilled. Woe be to anyone on the receiving end of its bestial fury.


Yet it is Dracula himself that instills the deepest fear, for it is he who carries us to our final resting place. Though his skin is cold to the touch, he can conjure flames that sear flesh and render bone to ash. Whether he is manifesting in his base form or the vilest denizens of the woods, Dracula’s vengeance will be enacted.

How can one not despair when faced with such a Wretched Fate? For even the strong willed may find themselves inescapably enthralled, so much so that even a routine task becomes difficult.

Perhaps we have only ourselves to blame, as we fall victim to the clutches of Human Greed. It is no surprise that Dracula will take advantage of our shortcomings, exploiting such weakness to his advantage.

The power Dracula wields over the land strikes terror in the hearts of all who cross his path. Those who attempt to seek items or tear down Totems will temporarily find themselves incapable, blocked by the claws of an eldritch horror.

The only hope for survival is to call upon Trevor Belmont, once shunned by those that feared his unnatural power. Gathering unlikely allies, he stood against the vampire and emerged with his life intact, a testament to his prowess among mortal men.

The Eyes of Belmont are acclimated to the presence of evil; where those of lesser fortitude would avert their gaze, Belmont’s never wavers. Does the watcher know they are being watched?

To retain one’s sanity in the throes of calamity, one must find Exultation. Stand against pursuers with item in hand and take the fight to them, for such reckless courage will be rewarded.


When peril is thick, one must keep their wits about them. Seek tools to aid survival and reap the benefits when life itself hangs in the balance. Only then will you experience a Moment of Glory worthy of the Belmont name.

Though the chilling grasp of fear can still the beating heart, as the blood moon shines in the night, the darkness is not impenetrable.

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