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The Unknown & Sable Ward: A Beginner’s Guide To All Things Wicked


Dead by Daylight: All Things Wicked is here, bringing The Unknown and Sable Ward into The Fog.

The Unknown boasts one of Dead by Daylight’s creepiest designs, with its unsettling proportions, grotesque features, and haunting backstory. If analog horror is your bag, you’ll want to learn more about the best ways to get started with this disturbing new Killer.

The Unknown’s Power Explained

Use The Unknown’s UVX Power to launch a projectile that will bounce off a surface and create a Blast Area. The first time a Survivor contacts a Blast Area, they become Weakened. If a Weakened Survivor touches a Blast Area, they become Injured.

You’ll want to aim your projectiles strategically, factoring in the bounce trajectory and steering Survivors to favourable locations. Even if you miss a direct hit, the unpredictable nature of the bounce can force Survivors to make impulsive – and costly – decisions.

Using Hallucinations

The Unknown’s presence has Survivors questioning their perception of reality. As you traverse the Map, you will intermittently leave behind a stationary Hallucination of your likeness. These may not fool Survivors for long, but you can still use their presence to your advantage.

For one, you’ll be able to teleport to any of your Hallucinations, allowing you to double back and cover ground more efficiently. During this process, you will leave behind a Decoy to mask your teleportation, so Survivors will need to process. Be especially mindful of where your Hallucinations are, as they’re an essential part of your mobility.

Weakened Survivors can remove the Status Effect by looking directly at you (referred to in-game as Staring Down), which is inherently risky. They also have a way of Dispelling your Hallucinations, which takes several moments to complete – and longer if they happen to be Weakened.

Should they stop the Dispel process, they will become Weakened and their location will be revealed to you through Killer Instinct. If you suspect they’re attempting to Dispel a Hallucination, you can interrupt them by teleporting to there and catching them unawares. As you play The Unknown, you’ll find yourself getting plenty of hits this way.


Learning The Unknown’s Perks

The Unknown’s first Perk is Unbound, which is used most effectively when chasing a Survivor. After you land a hit, you’ll have a brief opportunity gain a speed boost when vaulting a Window.

An injured Survivor will often try to gain ground after being hit. Chasing a Survivor into a building can be a risky proposition, as they can typically use windows more effectively than you can. Using Unbound will even the odds, allowing you to catch up faster and secure the down.

Advanced Tip: This can be exceptionally deadly if paired with some synergistic Perks, like The Clown’s Bamboozle or The Mastermind’s Superior Anatomy.

Unforeseen is a Perk built around stealth and trickery. If you realize that Survivors are focusing on one specific Generator, you can strategically kick a distant Generator and transfer your Terror Radius to it. That way, you can approach your target without Survivors being aware, hopefully landing a hit or two – perhaps even a grab.

When you’re starting out as Killer, it helps to be aware of your time management. Survivors will be intent on repairing Generators as quickly as possible. It can sometimes feel like things are slipping out of your control, but if you’re mindful of their goal, you can take advantage of it.

Undone is another Generator-based Perk, this time focused on Survivor misplays. Every time a Survivor misses a Skill Check, you gain a Token. The next time you damage a Generator, all your Tokens will be consumed, decreasing Repair progress and temporarily blocking that Generator.

Though experienced Survivors might not struggle with Skill Checks, even they might not be so graceful under pressure when you come sauntering over without a Terror Radius. There are also of plenty of Perks in the Dead by Daylight pool that can up the difficulty of Skill Checks, but if you aren’t able to use them – or prefer to stay within The Unknown’s kit, pairing this with Unforeseen to gain the element of surprise will be essential.

Advanced Tip: Consider crafting a build dedicated to messing up Survivor’s Skill Checks. We’re talking The Huntress’ Huntress Lullaby, The Clown’s Coulrophobia, The Onryo’s Merciless Storm, The Doctor’s Overcharge, and even The Trapper’s Unnerving Presence.

Learning Sable’s Perks


Sable Ward’s affinity for the darkness translates into her Perks, which centres around the Basement in any given Map. In other words, she shines when going to the one place Survivors typically seek to avoid. Using her Perks should introduce an exciting thrill to a Trial, as you’ll be looking for every opportunity to creep down those stairs and make something happen.

Invocation: Weaving Spiders introduces a new Perk type to the game. To activate it, you’ll have to enter the Basement and spend time performing the Invocation. You won’t necessarily have to do it alone, as your teammates will be able to help you, boosting the Invocation speed in the process. Once it’s finished, all remaining Generators on the Map will require fewer charges to complete.

Advanced Tip: Should this Perk prove popular, it’s possible that Killers may start employing Aura reading Perks like The Huntress’ Territorial Imperative. If you want an extra layer of safety against Aura-reading, consider adding Jeff Johansen’s Distortion Perk to your build.

The Basement party doesn’t stop there. Her Strength In Shadows Perk grants you the ability to Heal without a Med-Kit while in the Basement, turning a dangerous place into a potentially safe haven. Granted, it might not feel that way when the Killer is hot on your heels – but Sable’s no stranger to the darkness, and she’s got one final trick up her sleeve.

Wicked marks her final Perk, and it’s one that synergizes quite nicely with the others. If you happen to get Hooked in the Basement, you’ll be able to successfully Unhook yourself and carry on with the rest of the Trial. If you have Strength In Shadows equipped, you’ll even be able to heal yourself without ever having the leave the Basement.

We hope this guide gets you started on mastering The Unknown and Sable Ward’s unique playstyles. See you in The Fog!

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