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Dead by Daylight Reflects On 2020: A Year In Review


Greetings People of the Fog,  

Another year of Dead by Daylight is behind us, and what a year that was! The whole team, here at Behaviour, joins me in thanking you for your continuing support and your amazing passion. I’ve said it before, and it bears repeating, you are the reason we can spend our days working on this great labour of love that is Dead by Daylight, and for that we thank you.  

2020 has brought all of us a series of exceptional challenges. For some more than others. Yet in this moment of difficulties, we are seeing just how much people care and how love always prevails.  

The Dead by Daylight community is filled with awesome people doing great things everyday to bring some good in each other’s lives. Whether it’s through charity work, some inspiration to create or simply giving the pleasure of light entertainment. It all adds up to a wonderful group of people who share and provide relief around them. And for that too, we thank you.  

For all of us here at Behaviour, the work never stops. Our community has grown a lot this year with all the new platforms we’ve introduced, and so has the team. At the same time last year, I counted 170 people directly working on the game. Today there are 280. Plus about 50 more working close to the team in some way or another. When I said: “This is just the beginning” I meant it. The game is now on most platforms out there and, as you have witnessed lately, we’ve started a massive visual upgrade to make sure that DbD can stand proud next to the newest games out there.  

This year we brought you some spectacular chapters. Great surprises, legendary horror icons and just weird and disturbing folks. Dead by Daylight has now established itself as the Hall of fame of horror. The greatest legends live within the realm of the Entity.  

Obviously, I can’t tell you what’s next but I can say that we are not done surprising you. We are working on a lot of new stuff for you and I can already tell you that our 5th year anniversary event will feature some impressive stars that will blow your minds.  

Stay safe and smart, keep caring and sharing, and have a wonderful holiday season.  

The future is bright and wonderful and I can’t wait to go there with you all. See you all in the Fog, next year! 

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