Yoichi Asakawa

ChapterSadako Rising
A marine biologist scarred by the haunting memories of his past encounter with Sadako, Yoichi Asakawa has stared into the depths of evil. Blessed with paranormal psychic abilities of his own, his bravery and unwavering resolve make him a valuable ally against even the darkest forces.
As a child, Yoichi faced the supernatural when a curse claimed his parents’ lives. As an adult, Yoichi graduated with honours in marine biology, becoming the youngest professor in the school’s history. Despite his professional success, he remained troubled. Hidden memories bubbled in his subconscious. Blurred faces. Twisted mouths. Sadako. Thirsting for answers, his research led him to a lighthouse in Scotland. Guided by his father’s spirit, he voyaged through treacherous waters, deep into a realm beyond rational understanding.
Sadako Rising
Content Overview
This Chapter DLC includes:
- New Killer: The Onryō
- New Survivor: Yoichi Asakawa
- An exclusive universal charm
© 2022 Koji Suzuki © KADOKAWA © RINGU/SPIRAL Production Group. All Rights Reserved.