The Twins
Charlotte Deshayes can unleash her conjoined twin brother Victor, falling dormant until he’s finished hunting. Victor moves at high speeds and strikes with a pounce attack that debilitates and injures. Down Survivors with Victor and hook them with Charlotte, an oppressive tandem that can quickly disrupt even the best-laid plans.
Whatever joy and goodness were in conjoined twins Charlotte and Victor Deshayes died with their mother. Caged and transported to an old wooden temple, they were sold to a secretive group clad in dark cloaks. Victor reacted with the ferocity of a rabid beast at any who approached, clawing and biting. The only solace that could calm him was the embrace of his sister. Charlotte, bitter and hateful to all but her brother, found purpose in being his protector.
A Binding of Kin
Content Overview
This Chapter DLC includes:
This Chapter is only available for purchase as part of the Macabre Tales Pack which includes Hour of the Witch, Descend Beyond, A Binding of Kin and All-Kill.- New Killer: The Twins
- New Survivor: Élodie Rakoto
- An exclusive item for Élodie