The Nightmare – Freddy Krueger
Over time, The Nightmare forces Survivors into the Dream World. Once inside, Survivors will quickly realize the absence of a Terror Radius. With the ability to slow Survivors with Dream Snares, deceive with fake Dream Pallets, and pressure the map by teleporting directly to generators, The Nightmare lives up to his name.
Hiding behind a mask of friendliness, Freddy Krueger’s true temperament was known only to his victims. When those victims were finally heard, the parents of Springwood tracked Freddy down and took the law into their own hands. They thought that fire had rid them of the monster, that their children were finally safe -- but evil has a way of surviving. Years passed, and the horrors were mercifully forgotten. Then, somehow, Freddy returned, and dreams became nightmares once again.
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Content Overview
This Chapter DLC includes:
- New Killer: The Nightmare
- New Survivor: Quentin Smith
- New Map (Free): Springwood – Badham Preschool
- An exclusive item for Quentin
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET and all related characters and elements © & ™ New Line Productions, Inc. All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners.