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The Lich - Vecna


The Whispered One. Lord of the Rotted Tower. The Master of Secrets. Few dare speak his true name, for fear that he may hear—or worse. A master of magic and calculated conqueror, the archlich Vecna is relentless in his pursuit for dominance.

The Lich - Vecna's lore

Ambitious, ruthless, and calculated, Vecna’s thirst to fill his Book of Vile Darkness led him to many realms and planes, until he found a spell written in an unknown language. Upon speaking the words aloud, the room filled with creeping black fog. As he gazed into the darkness, he felt only despair, an evil he could scarcely imagine. He understood that the only way to harness it was to submit to it. He knew, in his cold, unbeating heart, that its dark secrets would one day be his.

Dungeons & Dragons

Content Overview

Dead by Daylight: Dungeons & Dragons includes:
  • New Killer: Vecna, The Lich
  • New Survivor: Aestri Yazar
  • New Map (Free): The Forgotten Ruins
  • Exclusive items: Aestri: Gilded Elven Bodice, Baermar: Gilded Brocard Shirt, Vecna: Blade of Mayhem
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