The Hillbilly


The sound of a revving motor, followed by a bloodthirsty scream of rage. The Hillbilly isn’t exactly subtle, but he makes up for it in brutal efficiency. Capable of traversing great distances at a rapid pace, those in his path will be rudely introduced to one-hundred gnashing chainsaw blades.
The unwanted son of wealthy landowners Max Thompson Sr. and Evelyn Thompson, the hideously disfigured boy was locked in a bricked-off room and fed through a hole in the wall. After years of loneliness and humiliation, the boy escaped, slaughtering the parents and authorities that had tortured him. Upon feeling the warm air on his face, he turned his rage on the nearby farm animals. Before long, the path to Coldwind Farm was littered with disembowelled carcasses and empty cans of chainsaw motor-oil.