Quentin Smith

ChapterA Nightmare on Elm Street
As resolute as he is sleep-deprived, Quentin Smith knows all about the value of cooperation. Even when trapped within an endless nightmare, he’s able to remain grounded, providing aid and guidance through his comforting presence.
Quentin never attracted attention in a library, no matter how strange the texts he requested. He devoured all the information he could find on shared dream worlds, lucid dreaming, and the methods to control the dream space. Forcing himself to stay awake through a steady diet of pills and energy drinks, he scoured dusty tomes for myths about demons residing in dreams, trapping their victims, and feeding off terror. He worked quickly, as he knew that Freddy would soon be coming.
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Content Overview
This Chapter DLC includes:
- New Killer: The Nightmare
- New Survivor: Quentin Smith
- New Map (Free): Springwood – Badham Preschool
- An exclusive item for Quentin
A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET and all related characters and elements © & ™ New Line Productions, Inc. All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners.