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Dead by Daylight’s Nicolas Cage Chapter, EXISTENCE Tome, Balance Updates, & More


Dead by Daylight’s Nicolas Cage Chapter is officially here, bringing the legendary actor into The Fog with 3 unique character Perks. With that comes the arrival of the EXISTENCE TOME, new Cosmetic Collections, and several gameplay balance updates.

Catch up on the Nicolas Cage Chapter here, and enjoy a summary of everything else coming to The Fog, starting with the EXISTENCE trailer below:


Set a course to the distant planet of Dvarka, where The Singularity and Gabriel Soma shared a fateful encounter that nearly claimed the latter’s life. Delve deeper into their stories, unlocking visual memories and character-developing Outfits along the way. And of course, the Tome wouldn’t be complete without an appearance from Nicolas Cage...

Progress through the Rift and beyond, completing brand-new gameplay Challenges and earning sci-fi inspired Cosmetic rewards for Gabriel Soma, The Singularity, The Artist, Haddie Kaur, and more. It’s all waiting in The Archives.



A star of his status has no shortage of style, and the Nicolas Cage Collection introduces some of his iconic fashion into The Fog. Suffering from an early case of the winter blues? Look no further than the Christmas in July Collection, featuring holiday themed Outfits for Vittorio Toscano and Adam Francis. Finally, we have the return of the Greek Legends Collection, introducing mythological Outfits for The Dredge, The Plague, Thalita Lyra and Renato Lyra.

All 3 Collections are now available in the Dead by Daylight in-game store.





As initially detailed in the Year 7 Anniversary Broadcast, two Maps in the Coldwind Farm Realm have undergone a significant live balance update: Fractured Cowshed and Rancid Abattoir. We hope these changes – including adjusted tiles and updates to the Barn and Slaughterhouse buildings – will lead to a more balanced experience for both Killer and Survivor.

We’re looking to make live balance changes to Maps at a more frequent pace, so keep an eye out for further announcements.


The Onryo, otherwise known as Sadako , is receiving a gameplay update. Now, Survivors holding a tape get 2 stacks of Condemned when hit, destroying the tape in the process. Following a significant number of community requests, The TV Cooldown time has been significantly reduced, which will allow Onryo players to teleport more often during a Trial. On that note – whenever The Onryo teleports, Survivors not holding a tape will get little more Condemned, no matter where they are on the Map.


This Chapter will also bring updates to several underutilised Perks for both Killer and Survivor. On the Killer side, the following have been adjusted: Coup De Grace, Claustrophobia, Scourge Hook: Hangman’s Trick, Territorial Imperative, Remember Me, and Hex: Crowd Control.

On the Survivor side, the following have been adjusted: Blast Mine, Wiretap, Saboteur, Clairvoyance, Breakout, Buckle Up, Smash Hit, and Spine Chill. We’ve also tuned down the numbers of Prove Thyself to bring it closer in line with other Generator Perks. As per tradition with Perk updates, we’ll be keeping a close eye on these throughout the following weeks.


We don’t think it will take you too long to notice that the character portraits have undergone a transformation, so be sure to check them out in the Killer and Survivor lobbies.


Gone are the days where a disconnected Survivor player will derail your entire Trial the moment they’re dow--er, their internet cuts out. Starting with the Nicolas Cage Chapter release, any disconnected Survivor will be replaced with a Bot, whether their mid-chase, on the ground, or screaming on a Hook. And who knows – perhaps they’ll even be an upgrade on your former teammate.

We hope you enjoy discovering everything coming alongside this exciting Chapter release.

See you in The Fog...

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